5 Tricks to Dominate a Job Interview

By Everyday Interview Tips 17-June-2019

Job Interview Tips to help You Dominate:

I have a job interview in 1 hours. it’s a big dream for me to have a job with this company.

But here I am, clueless about what I could do better and what I’m doing wrong. The truth is that how you act in that hour of your interview can change the trajectory of your life or mean the difference between staying unemployed for X more weeks or making thousands more dollars.

Most people don’t ever spend time practicing this overlooked skills, so you have an advantage if you do.

I did a previous post on skills you can improve to get better at job interviews in general — more secrets are in that article. Today, I’ll show you how to dominate a job interview. I’ll show you how to sound good in an interview, with lesser-known impressive interview tips including good interview answers you can use when you’re in the spotlight.

But in addition to practice, the following job interview tips and tricks will help you attract job offers:

1. Always Use Specific Answers

Try to avoid any generic responses or cliches, like “I’m a hard worker.” Tell stories. Use examples. Share achievements. Be as specific as you can be with your answers so that the interviewer knows you’re not just making things up. The best way to do this is to read through our list of the 15 Most Common Behavioural Interview Questions and spend some time writing down specific examples form your work history that you can use for every question.

2. Always Be Positive and Love Everyone

You should be a positive, likeable person. As far as the interviewer knows, there is no person you do not like or thing you find annoying. You loved your bosses, your coworkers, etc. Even if it’s pouring rain, you should love that type of weather. You should be someone that everyone wants to have around, and that no one is afraid of upsetting. OK, that’s a bit much, but seriously be positive and upbeat, nobody wants to hire someone who s no fun to have around.

3. Start Strong

First impressions affect the entire interview. Get ready to start strong. Be the person to hold out their arm and shake the other’s hand. Introduce yourself. Try to start conversations right away. Starting strong will allow you to make up for more mistakes later in the interview process.Part of staring strong is looking and feeling confident. Download our FREE eBook – How to dress for success at your next interview.

4. Be Original

Yes there are specific answers you should use, but you should also be as original as possible. Avoid any answer that others can easily use. Stick to answers that you came up with yourself. On Everyday Interview Tips, we provide you with lots of examples of “good answers” to common interview questions, but they should always be guidelines for your own examples.

5. Ask Great Questions

There is no such thing as a stupid question, but there is such thing as a great question. Plan some outstanding questions that will really have the interviewer thinking. The more your questions impress the interviewer, the more likely you’ll make yourself memorable as the process moves forward.Download our FREE eBook – The top 20 https://www.visionblg.comQuestions to Ask At a Job Interview.

Even if you do everything right and are perfect for the position, it’s possible to not get a job since there are other factors at play. For example, a company may decide to hire in-house. But there are still ways that you can dominate an interview so strongly that even if they hire someone else, they may well keep your resume on file for the future. The above job interview tips can help you dominate any interview, and make sure that you leave a lasting impact.

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