Author: peoplejobcambodia

Job Boards and Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is a job board?

An online job board is a valuable resource for employers and job seekers. Employers who need to grow their team can post and advertise their open positions, and job seekers can search, find, and apply to jobs with ease. Traditional job boards were physical boards where job listings were posted and advertised, but today the majority of jobs are posted to online website aggregates. Since online job boards are faster and simpler to use, online job boards have effectively replaced their traditional physical counterparts over the past decade. Most employers prefer online job boards because they can help save time and resources and make it simple to create listings that reach a large number of people fast. Job seekers prefer online job boards because they can apply to more jobs in less time and with less effort, and search and apply for jobs located in cities throughout the country. Today, thousands of online job boards exist, and more are created each day to help connect people to the right opportunities. Job boards can include listings for all types of jobs in every industry, or they can be industry-specific and designed to provide job content to a niche group of job seekers.

2. What job boards does People & Jobs partner with?

People & Jobs has strategically partnered with leading job sites, so we can send jobs to the most relevant platforms where candidates are searching for new opportunities. We have partnered with Google, Facebook, and social networks like Twitter. Since millions of candidates start their job search on Google, we automatically feed employers’ jobs into the Google job search index, so jobs can appear directly in Google Search results. Employers can also upload job posts directly to their Facebook business page from their People & Jobs dashboard.


3. Finding the right job

Finding the right job is about more than picking a career and making some money. It has a huge impact on our individual happiness and family lives. And for businesses, placing the right candidates in the right roles can mean the difference between success and failure.
In short, job search and recruitment are just too important to get wrong. So who do job seekers and employers trust most to get it right?

4. How is Indeed different from other places where I can post jobs?

With our job search engine, job seekers get access to millions of jobs from all over the Web and employers reach relevant talent for every type of position. Unlike other sites that charge a fixed amount per job posting regardless of results, our pay-for-performance pricing model means you only pay when you get results. And you have complete flexibility—there are no contracts or long-term commitments.


5. What are Sponsored Jobs?

Sponsored Jobs are the first jobs people see in Indeed search results. When someone searches for a job on Indeed, Sponsored Jobs are highlighted in search results and receive greater visibility than free job listings. Sponsored Jobs also receive up to 5X more clicks than free listings.

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6. How do I sponsor my job?

You can post a job directly on Indeed to sponsor it. After filling in your job description, enter how much you want to spend to make your job appear higher in search results for more relevant candidates will see it. You can change your budget or stop promoting your job at any time.


You can also sponsor jobs from your career site or applicant tracking system. We’ll help you decide which jobs to promote and how to budget. Contact us to get started.

7. How does pay for performance advertising work?

Unlike traditional forms of online advertising, Sponsored Jobs on Indeed use a pay-per-performance pricing model. This means you only pay when someone clicks on your job to view it. You decide how much you want to spend and our technology does the rest, delivering predictable results that meet your cost and budget targets.


8. How much should I spend each month?

The budget you set will determine how many people see your jobs and how you rank against other businesses in search results. Your ideal budget depends on how many jobs you have, the type of jobs, your location, and industry. Not sure where to start? Contact us for a recommended budget.

9. Where does someone go after clicking on my job?

After a person clicks on your job on Indeed, they are taken directly to the job description on your career site so they can apply through your career site or applicant tracking system. If you don’t have a career site, you can post jobs directly on Indeed and receive applications by email. Manage all candidates within your Indeed dashboard. Review applications, schedule interviews, and view recommended candidates.

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10. How can I measure the results of advertising on Indeed?

Indeed makes it easy for customers to measure every aspect of their recruitment campaign. Our Client Services team can help you track campaign results in the environment that best suits your needs. We support rigorous hiring metrics because results and independent.

11. Where will my Sponsored Jobs appear?

When people search for jobs on website, they enter keywords relevant to their interest and background. Your jobs will be displayed in search results when your job title, description, location, and other information relates to the search terms entered. The most relevant job seekers will see your job information.

Visit Takeo Province in Cambodia

  1. Takeo Province

Takeo province is often referred to as the cradle of Cambodian civilisation Takeo province has several important pre-Angkorian sites built between the 5th and the 8th century. The provincial capital, Takeo town is an easygoing place that possesses a fair amount of natural and manmade beauty. The natural beauty is in the Scenic River and lake area that faces a pleasant town parkway. The low-lying area seems to include much of the surrounding province area, which is probably why a kingdom that once had its heart here was referred to as Water Chenla. There seems to be water everywhere in the surrounding countryside during the rainy season. 

The man-made beauty mostly comes from a series of canals and waterways that were cut through the surrounding countryside, many a very long time ago, connecting towns, villages, rivers and Vietnam. Nearby Angkor Borei town (connected by water to Takeo town) may have been the heart of the Funan Empire, which is called the Cradle of Khmer Civilization by Cambodians. Much older than Angkor, the Funan empire had its heyday between the 1st and 6th centuries and stretched across a vast area, from South Vietnam through Thailand, down through Malaysia and into Indonesia. Bold, silver and silks were traded in abundance in the kingdom, or, as some say, the series of fiefdoms. 

2. Chiso Mountain

Phnom Chiso is a historical site located in Sia village, Rovieng commune, Samrong district, about 62 kilometers south of Phnom Penh or 27 kilometers north of Takeo provincial town. To reach the site, take National Road 2 to Bati district and Neang Khmao temple. Turn right at the sign for the site and head down the dirt trial for 5 more kilometers. Phnom Chiso is 13O-meter-high mountain.

Phnom Chiso temple was built in the early 11th century by King Suryavarman I (AD 1002-1050), who practiced Brahmanism. Constructed of sandstone and other stones, it is 60 meters long and 50 meters wide and sits atop a mountain. The temple is surrounded by two galleries. The first gallery is 60 meters long on each side. The second, smaller gallery, is in the middle, where there is the main worship place with two doors and a wooden statue. There are beautiful sculptures on the lintel and the pillars.

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Phnom Chiso Pagoda was built in 1917, destroyed by war during the 1970s and rebuilt in 1979. Behind it is a hall called Thammasaphea, kof and a worship place. There is an ancient water tank made of concrete. People usually climb the staircase on the west side of the mountain, which has 390 steps and descend by the south side staircase, which has 408 steps. Another set of stairs in front of the temple links the temple to Sen Chhmos temple, Sen Phouvang temple and Tonie Om, a lake considered sacred by Brahmans and used for washing away sins. A large rock yard nearby about 100 meters long and 80 meters was once the site of several other temples, but only parts of these temples remain standing.

In addition, there is a mountain cave, Vimean Chan, located about 150 meters south of the temple. It is a quiet place for Brahmans or ascetics to meditate. During the Americans’ war with Vietnam, the site was bombed, dislodging several large rocks that block the entrance to the cave today. 

Hun Sen Phnom Chiso Agricultural and Tourist site is located in Samrong, Bati and Prey Kabas districts. It includes a 513 hectare paddy rice field of dry rice, a 1,386 hectares field of wet rice and three water basins – Thnos Ta Kong, Tuol Lork and Sen Pea Ream. 

Phnom Chiso is very popular with visitors, especially during festivals, when it is very crowded. The top of the mountain affords visitors a panoramic view of Takeo Province rice paddies stretching for kilometers.

3. Kampoul Pich Resort

Kampoul Pich Resort or it’s often called Anlong Pnheav Resort is located in Street 51, Srea Cherng Reas village, Trapeang Krongoung commune, Tram Kok District, Takeo province and far about ~54km away from Independent Monument.

Kampoul Pich Resort is in the category of the innovation, and eating place. Things to do, as well as the attractions of Kampoul Pich Resort for tourists such as view mountain landscape, farm view, boat ride, duck boat ride, kayak ride, places to eat and more.

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For the trip to the location of Kampoul Pich Resort, it is easy because it is not necessary to walk and cross the river or take a boat. For parking, tourists can park directly at the location.

For a relaxing seating area, Kampoul Pich Resort has a seating area for tourists, and there is also order food directly from there. Besides Kampoul Pich Resort has food ordering or food stations and restaurants, but for the canteen is not exist.

For accommodation, Kampoul Pich Resort is not available yet such as bungalow, guesthouse, and hotel, for the price of access to​​​​​​ Kampoul Pich Resort is free of charge.

4. Tamao Mountain

Phnom Ta Mao (Zoo) is located in Tro Pang Sap village, Tro Pang Sap commune, Ba Ti District, Takeo province. Phnom Tamao can be accessible by the National Road No 2 in 40-kilometre distance from Phnom Penh. Then turning right more five kilometers by a trail, it takes 45-minute drive from Phnom Penh. Phnom Ta Mao is a varied site consisting of temples, mountain, nature and a big zoo in Cambodia. Phnom Ta Mao has 2,500-hectar land area called forest-protected area; in this area, the Department of Forestry has taken 1,200-hectar land area for planning trees and 70-hectar land area for organizing zoo. 

The 70-hectar landarea consisting of five mountains namely: Phnom Ta Mao, Phnom Thmor Dos, Phnom Phdan Poan, Phnom Chhoy and Phnom Bang. Among the five mountains, two mountains have ancient temples are: – Ta Mao Temple (is located at Phnom Ta Mao): was built in 11th century during the reign of the king, Soryak Varman I dedicated to Brahmanism, the temple made of Thmor silt and red-solid brick, located on the peak of 30-meter mountain of Ta Mao, near Ta Mao pagoda. Now, the temple is damaged and is almost unrecognizable. – Thmor Dos Temple (is located at Phnom Thmor Dos): The temple is located on a 35-meter mountain of Thmor Dos, Northwest of Ta Mao temple and was built in 11th century. 

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The temple made of Thmor silt mad red-solid brick. Now, most of the temples are damaged. The people want to go to this temple to worship than Ta Mao temple. In addition, Phnom Ta Mao has a big zoo in Cambodia; the zoo is under the supervision of the Department of Forestry, Ministry of Agriculture and has 84 varieties of animals and birds; two kinds of them are brought from abroad. – There are 150-fourfooted animals consisting of 38 kinds. – There are 300 birds consisting of 38 kinds. – There are 30 reptiles consisting of eight kinds. All these animals are brought here by the Ministry of Agriculture and by seizing from offenders who illegally traffic in wild animals through out Cambodia. To take care these animals, we need to expend US$ 120 per day for food, and 22 staff and workers are working there.

The average number of tourists visiting Phnom Ta Mao is 500-600 visitors per week; but during the festivals, there are 7,000-8,000 visitors per week. The local people of four communes around the Phnom Ta Mao are earning money from selling food to tourists. We can extend package-tour program to the above two resorts because these resorts are the popular sites for local and international tourists, and their location is near Phnom Penh. As the sites can attract many tourists, we expect to lure investors to invest in tourist facilitation and constructing the trail from the national Road No 2 to the resorts. The Department of Forestry has a project on constructing an inside trail linking from Tonle Ba Ti to Phnom Ta Mao in Six-Kilometre distance.

5. Putkiri Kampuchea

Two thousand golden Buddhas flank the 199-steps to the 10-metre statue towering over those below, at the Putkiri pagoda – one of the Kingdom’s newest religious sites – while thousands of other Buddhas sit in meditation.

Located in Takeo province’s Trapaing Kro Nhoung commune, the site was founded almost a year ago by four monks led by venerable Serey Keo Kakda.

Their goal was to create a place for both worship and tourism that would eventually be the home of 84,000 Buddha statues, even as their numbers increase by the day.

Construction on the 30-metre hill and the road leading to it were supported in part by Oknha Lok Chumteav.

Asked how he came up with the goal of 84,000 statues, Keo Kakda said three of the main Buddhist texts had a total of 84,000 passages of dharma.

“Other countries have not built 84,000 Buddhist statues. There are only 5,000 statues in Myanmar . . . representing what the Buddha predicted before he died, that his religion would last for only 5,000 years. And now it has been 2,562 years.”

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Currently, there are 20,000 statues on the hill, but Keo Kakda hopes the final goal will be met. He said he doesn’t know when the target will be met as “it depends on Buddhist followers”.

But for now, visitors are content on visiting the site to pray for good fortune or snap pictures of the amazing view to post on Facebook.

Some even pay 80,000 riel ($19.75) to sponsor the creation of an additional statue. Despite criticism from some about youths not showing due respect for the Buddha’s images, Keo Kakda is hopeful that the pagoda on the hilltop will breathe new life into the religion.

“The benefit from building a great number of Buddhist statues is the growth of our religion so that our young generation will know about the 84,000 Buddhist statues in Takeo province and they will want to come and see them.”

“And when they come, they will think of the Buddhist religion and what it stands for,” he said.

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Where Will You Go If you Visit Cambodia?

1. Preah Vihear

Preah Vihear is a Khmer temple situated atop a 525 meter (1,722 ft) cliff in the Dângrêk Mountains, on the border between Cambodia and Thailand. It has the most spectacular setting of all the Khmer temples. Most of the temple was constructed in the 11th and 12th century during the reigns of the Khmer kings Suryavarman I and Suryavarman II. It was dedicated to the Hindu god Shiva. Preah Vihear is the subject of a long-running territorial dispute between Thailand and Cambodia, and several soldiers were killed in clashes in 2009.


Sihanoukville, also known as Kampong Som, is a port city and beach resort on the Gulf of Thailand. The big attraction here are the white-sand beaches and several undeveloped tropical islands. Sihanoukville is a good place to relax and unwind, though be prepared to battle the crows during the high season or a holiday weekend

3.Tonle Sap

Tonlé Sap is the largest freshwater lake in South East Asia and is of major importance to Cambodia. The lake expands and shrinks dramatically with the seasons. From November to May, Cambodia’s dry season, the Tonlé Sap drains into the Mekong River at Phnom Penh. However, when the year’s heavy rains begin in June, the flow of the Tonlé Sap changes directions and an enormous lake forms. Tonlé Sap is home to many ethnic Vietnamese and numerous Cham communities, living in floating villages around the lake.

4.Bokor Hill Station

Bokor Hill Station near Kampot was built by the French in the 1920s to be used as a retreat from the heat of Phnom Penh. It has since been abandoned twice, first in the 1940s when the Japanese invaded Cambodia and again in the 1970s, when the Khmer Rouge engulfed the country. Today, Bokor Hill Station and its abandoned buildings have an eerie, ghost-town feel. As of October 2008, the road to Bokor is officially closed due to ongoing reconstruction. Independent access seems to be impossible. though there are hiking tours arranged by local travel agents.


Kratie is a small town located on the banks of the Mekong River and is dominated by a central marketplace surrounded by old, French colonial buildings. There’s no large scale tourism, but plenty of backpackers pour through here during the peak season. It is the place in Cambodia to see the rare Irrawaddy dolphins, which live in the Mekong River in ever-diminishing numbers. It is estimated that there are between 66 and 86 dolphins left in the upper Cambodian Mekong area.

6.Koh Ker

Koh Ker was the capital of the Khmer empire for a very brief period from the year 928 to 944 AD. In this short time some very spectacular buildings and immense sculptures were constructed. The site is dominated by Prasat Thom, a 30 meter (98 ft) tall temple pyramid rising high above the surrounding jungle. A giant Garuda (mythical half-man, half-bird creature), carved into the stone blocks, still guard the very top, although its partially covered now. Left to the jungle for nearly a millennium, Koh Ker was one of Cambodia’s most remote and inaccessible temple destinations. This has now changed thanks to recent de-mining and the opening of a new toll road.

7.Banteay Srei

Although officially part of the Angkor complex, Banteay Srei lies 25 km (15 miles) north-east of the main group of temples, and therefore often considered a separate Cambodia attraction. The temple was completed in 967 AD and is built largely of red sandstone, a medium that lends itself to the elaborate decorative wall carvings which are still clearly visible today. Banteay Srei is the only major temple at Angkor not built for a king, instead it was constructed by one of king Rajendravarman’s counselors, Yajnyavahara.

8.Bayon Temple

Part of the world famous destination of Angkor, the Bayon temple features a sea of over 200 massive stone faces looking in all direction. The curious smiling faces, thought by many to be a portrait of king Jayavarman VII himself or a combination of him and Buddha, are an instantly recognizable image of Angkor. Built in the 12th century by King Jayavarman VII as part of a massive expansion of his capital Angkor Thom, the Bayon is built at the exact center of the royal city.

9.Angkor Wat

Angkor Wat (meaning “City Temple”) is the most magnificent and largest of all Angkor temples and the top tourist attraction in Cambodia. Built around the first half of 12th century by King Suryavarman II, the temple’s balance, composition and beauty make it one of the finest monuments in the world. A huge rectangular reservoir surrounds Angkor Wat which rises up through a series of three rectangular terraces to the central shrine and tower at a height of 213 meters (669 feet). This arrangement reflects the traditional Khmer idea of the temple mountain, in which the temple represent Mount Meru, the home of the gods in Hinduism

What’s the good time to do exercise?

We have all heard it many times before – regular exercise is good for you, and it can help you lose weight. But if you are like many Americans, you are busy, you have a sedentary job, and you haven’t yet changed your exercise habits. The good news is that it’s never too late to start. You can start slowly, and find ways to fit more physical activity into your life. To get the most benefit, you should try to get the recommended amount of exercise for your age. If you can do it, the payoff is that you will feel better, help prevent or control many diseases, and likely even live longer.

Between juggling a career, a social life, and binge watching the latest Netflix marathon, it can be difficult to squeeze in workouts even though we know they’re vital to our health and well-being.

However, perhaps it would help our overwhelming schedules to know that when it comes to hitting the gym, exercising at certain times can help maximize our fitness goals.

Why we need to find to best time to do the exercise?

The Case for Working Out in the Morning

Logistically, there are many pros to working out in the morning.

First of all, you’ll get your workout done and over with before you even start your day. That means you’ll begin your day with endorphins, and a good feeling knowing you accomplished something before 9 a.m. that some people won’t accomplish all day. And that’s a huge ego boost.

Furthermore, you won’t have to worry about working out later in the afternoon or evening. This can be a relief, leaving time for cooking dinner, socializing with friends, and just plain relaxing.

how do we have benefit from do exercise?

  • Make you to control the weight. Along with diet, exercise plays an important role in controlling your weight and preventing obesity. To maintain your weight, the calories you eat and drink must equal the energy you burn. To lose weight, you must use more calories than you eat and drink.
  • Reduce your risk of heart diseases. Exercise strengthens your heart and improves your circulation. The increased blood flow raises the oxygen levels in your body. This helps lower your risk of heart diseases such as high cholesterolcoronary artery disease, and heart attack. Regular exercise can also lower your blood pressure and triglyceride levels.
  • Help your body manage blood sugar and insulin levels. Exercise can lower your blood sugarlevel and help your insulin work better. This can cut down your risk for metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes. And if you already have one of those diseases, exercise can help you to manage it.
  • Help you quit smoking. Exercise may make it easier to quit smoking by reducing your cravings and withdrawal symptoms. It can also help limit the weight you might gain when you stop smoking.
  • Improve your mental health and mood. During exercise, your body releases chemicals that can improve your mood and make you feel more relaxed. This can help you deal with stress and reduce your risk of depression.
  • Help keep your thinking, learning. Exercise stimulates your body to release proteins and other chemicals that improve the structure and function of your brain.
  • Strengthen your bones and muscles. Regular exercise can help kids and teens build strong bones. Later in life, it can also slow the loss of bone density that comes with age. Doing muscle-strengthening activities can help you increase or maintain your muscle mass and strength.
  • Reduce your risk of some cancers. including colonbreast uterine, and lung cancer.
  • Reduce your risk of falls. For older adults, research shows that doing balance and muscle-strengthening activities in addition to moderate-intensity aerobic activity can help reduce your risk of falling.
  • Improve your sleep. Exercise can help you to fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.
  • Improve your sexual health. Regular exercise may lower the risk of erectile dysfunction (ED) in men. For those who already have ED, exercise may help improve their sexual function. In women, exercise may increase sexual arousal.
  • Increase your chances of living longer. Studies show that physical activity can reduce your risk of dying early from the leading causes of death, like heart disease and some cancers.

Career Fair at Build Bright University (Shihaknoukville Branch)

By people & Jobs Cambodia

Date: 5th July 2019
Time: 7:30am – 7:30pm.

Many Job opportunities are available with more than 30 companies and xxx job application. Join us together to get new career !
We will waiting for you !!

ឱកាសការងារ នៅសកលវិទ្យាល័យ Build Bright សាខាក្រុងព្រះសីហនុ
កាលបរិច្ឆេទ៖ ទី៥ កក្កដា ២០១៩
ម៉ោង៖ ​7:30am-7:30pm

នឹងមានជាង៣០ក្រុមហ៊ុនចូលរួមពិពណ៌ការងារនេះ។ ចូលរួមជាមួយពួកយើងដើម្បីទទួលបានការងារគោលដៅរបស់លោកអ្នក
ពួកយើងនឹងរង់ចាំអ្នកនៅទីនោះ !

5 Tricks to Dominate a Job Interview

By Everyday Interview Tips 17-June-2019

Job Interview Tips to help You Dominate:

I have a job interview in 1 hours. it’s a big dream for me to have a job with this company.

But here I am, clueless about what I could do better and what I’m doing wrong. The truth is that how you act in that hour of your interview can change the trajectory of your life or mean the difference between staying unemployed for X more weeks or making thousands more dollars.

Most people don’t ever spend time practicing this overlooked skills, so you have an advantage if you do.

I did a previous post on skills you can improve to get better at job interviews in general — more secrets are in that article. Today, I’ll show you how to dominate a job interview. I’ll show you how to sound good in an interview, with lesser-known impressive interview tips including good interview answers you can use when you’re in the spotlight.

But in addition to practice, the following job interview tips and tricks will help you attract job offers:

1. Always Use Specific Answers

Try to avoid any generic responses or cliches, like “I’m a hard worker.” Tell stories. Use examples. Share achievements. Be as specific as you can be with your answers so that the interviewer knows you’re not just making things up. The best way to do this is to read through our list of the 15 Most Common Behavioural Interview Questions and spend some time writing down specific examples form your work history that you can use for every question.

2. Always Be Positive and Love Everyone

You should be a positive, likeable person. As far as the interviewer knows, there is no person you do not like or thing you find annoying. You loved your bosses, your coworkers, etc. Even if it’s pouring rain, you should love that type of weather. You should be someone that everyone wants to have around, and that no one is afraid of upsetting. OK, that’s a bit much, but seriously be positive and upbeat, nobody wants to hire someone who s no fun to have around.

3. Start Strong

First impressions affect the entire interview. Get ready to start strong. Be the person to hold out their arm and shake the other’s hand. Introduce yourself. Try to start conversations right away. Starting strong will allow you to make up for more mistakes later in the interview process.Part of staring strong is looking and feeling confident. Download our FREE eBook – How to dress for success at your next interview.

4. Be Original

Yes there are specific answers you should use, but you should also be as original as possible. Avoid any answer that others can easily use. Stick to answers that you came up with yourself. On Everyday Interview Tips, we provide you with lots of examples of “good answers” to common interview questions, but they should always be guidelines for your own examples.

5. Ask Great Questions

There is no such thing as a stupid question, but there is such thing as a great question. Plan some outstanding questions that will really have the interviewer thinking. The more your questions impress the interviewer, the more likely you’ll make yourself memorable as the process moves forward.Download our FREE eBook – The top 20 https://www.visionblg.comQuestions to Ask At a Job Interview.

Even if you do everything right and are perfect for the position, it’s possible to not get a job since there are other factors at play. For example, a company may decide to hire in-house. But there are still ways that you can dominate an interview so strongly that even if they hire someone else, they may well keep your resume on file for the future. The above job interview tips can help you dominate any interview, and make sure that you leave a lasting impact.

37 Best Part-Time Jobs for College Students

By Team Localwise 13-June-2019

In your first semester of college, you’re likely introduced to the age-old triangle of college life: the triangle of good grades, social life, and enough sleep. The crux of the joke (which is not very funny, in reality) is that you can only choose two of these.

This triangle should really be a square for a majority of students who have to work during college. A job isn’t even considered in this triangle, so what are people who need the extra income to do?

Working while in college can be tough, but choosing the right part-time job for you can make all the difference. Here are some factors to consider when choosing a part-time job amidst your class schedule and other extracurriculars.

  • Location: Finding a job that is easily accessible to you will greatly influence your reliability as a worker. If you have a car, you have a wider range of possibilities, but most college towns offer plenty of part-time jobs that are close to campus.
  • Schedule: Be sure to check out jobs with preferred availability during the times you can work. Some positions will require night shifts, early morning shifts, weekends, or holidays. Be sure you can commit to the shifts that the business needs before taking on the job.
  • Pay: Are you working for passion or pay? Some jobs may have both, but the range of pay in part-time jobs is wide. Aim to find a job that is both enjoyable and offers the income that you need.
  • Career-relevance: If you are looking to gain experience in an industry of your interest, you might find yourself sacrificing pay. Working as an intern for a startup, local business or a big company may be more beneficial for your dream career after graduation.
  • Related experience: Having the necessary experience required to work at some part-time jobs is important to note. Find jobs that you are qualified for and save yourself some application time.

Visit more job in Cambodia => people & Jobs-Cambodia

Now that you have the factors to consider when choosing a part-time job, it’s time to jump on the job hunt! Don’t worry, we’ve done the hard work for you. Here’s a list of 37 part-time jobs that are great for college students.

Local Business Jobs

1. Boutique Sales Associate

Boutique jobs are perfect for the fashionistas out there. Some may require sales experience, but many are just looking for the right personality (friendly, outgoing, stylish). Expect to work afternoons and weekends. You’ll save money on clothing and accessories, as most boutiques offer employee discounts.

2. Customer Service in a Book Shop

Believe it or not, paper books are not dead yet. Local bookstores are making a resurgence, especially in college towns. Many book shops will be close to campus and offer some of the books required for courses, lessening your costs for school books with employee discounts.

3. Bike Shop Mechanic

If you love bike riding, this is the perfect job to turn your passion into cash. No experience actually fixing bikes? Check to see if there’s a local co-op or volunteer bike club on your campus that can teach you the basics.

4. Photographer

If you have a nice DSLR and an eye for capturing beautiful moments, reach out to local photographers and see if they need an assistant. This job is great if you need a flexible schedule because you’ll often work at events on nights and weekends  Another good option: start your own photography business by photographing your friends for special events or professional headshots.

5. Front Desk Associate at a Fitness or Yoga Studio

If you love fitness and can motivate people to exercise, this is the job for you. You won’t need much experience and will save money here as well. Most places offer their employees free classes — a great way to stay active in college!

6. After School Teacher/Tutor

When it comes to working as a part-time teacher or tutor, the options are endless. You can work at a nonprofit after-school program, tutor for a family near campus, or sign up for one of the new gig economy tutoring/teaching sites like Chegg Tutors, TakeLessons, Maestro, StudySoup, and Skillshare. The pay is usually high and the hours are often flexible.

7. Lifeguard

If you’re willing to get trained and certified, lifeguarding can be very rewarding. Spend your days by the pool and help promote safety in the water. You’re likely to have mostly young co-workers and a fun work environment.

Food Service Jobs

8. Ice Cream Scooper

This will be a sweet job (pun intended) for those of you who are looking for a social job. Enjoy life outside of college as ice cream shops usually attract people of all ages. Little to no experience needed is also a plus!

9. Sales Associate at a Gourmet Food Shop

Although you may have to settle for minimum wage as a sales associate, this is your opportunity to find a truly unique and local place to work. Find a food shop whose mission and way of business inspires you and take advantage of working there.  Learn about running a business through observation as you are likely to work close to the owners.

10. Host or Server at a Restaurant

This is the go-to job for those looking to earn fast cash and gain valuable experience in the food industry. Whether your aim is to own a restaurant, work as a chef, or simply pay your way through college, this is the job for go-getters.  You’ll be on your feet for most of the shift, but the extra income gained from tips will be a great benefit to your bank account.

11. Juice/Smoothie Maker

Juicing is all the rage these days. Get in on the action by working at the new juice shops popping up in your   neighborhood. This is a great job for those with a passion for produce and healthy lifestyle. A huge perk is that most smoothie places close relatively early, leaving your nights free.

12. Barista

Although most of these jobs require barista experience, they are a wonderful option for college students. Cafes cluster around campus, so you will meet tons of students while also getting to know some of the locals. Be prepared for some very early or late shifts, as many cafes cater to student’s study hours.

13. Bartender

If you have the training (and the age) necessary to work as a bartender, take advantage of it in college. This job will have a cool social scene, likely be close to campus, and offer high pay depending on where you work. Night owls will thrive as shifts will generally peak after dark.

14. Catering Staff

This is a great job for those who want a flexible, on-call position with decent pay. Previous experience in food service is a plus. There will likely be different locations for each event, offering an escape from your typical routine.

15. Food Truck Staff

Depending on where you live, food trucks are the growing local business trend. Take the chance to work for a cool new business with a fun culture. You will also gain some customer service experience, food prep experience, and the chance to travel while you work.

16. Cashier

This position is great because it requires little to no experience, offers flexible hours (depending on the place), and is readily available in most college towns. Don’t be fooled by the title: you’ll likely do some food prep as well.

Startup/Office Jobs

17. Social Media Manager

Think you’ve been wasting your time on Snapchat and Instagram? You’ve actually been gaining useful skills.  Put those skills to good use by running the social media accounts for a local business or startup. Some of these positions can also be done remotely, which is great for the busy college student who is good at multi-tasking.

18. Administrative Assistant

Working as an Administrative Assistant is a great way to gain experience in the “real” world. Choose a company you’d like to work for after you graduate and get connected to the business. You are likely to work with an older crowd of graduates here, offering a look into your potential career.

19. Marketing & Sales Intern

This is a great one to boost your resume and gain valuable professional skills. Plus you’ll make connections that will help you when you graduate. Although you sacrifice a higher paying position for experience, internships are an investment in your future.

20. Blogger

Many businesses hire bloggers to create attractive and relatable content for their websites. You don’t have to limit your job search to local businesses for this one, as the work is generally remote and submitted online. You can even be proactive and reach out to your favorite blogs to see if they are looking for contributors.

21. Graphic Designer

If you have an excellent design sense and know how to use Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, there are endless job possibilities for you. Work as a freelance designer, create content for local businesses or find an internship at a local marketing agency.  The pay range is wide depending on the company, but hours can be flexible and the work can be remote.

22. Software Engineering Intern

If you have the skills to work as a software engineering intern, startup companies consider you a hot commodity. Take advantage of the high demand and gain experience in college so that you can be prepared to tackle the engineering world when you graduate.

23. Brand Ambassador

If you are friendly, energetic, outgoing, and self-motivated, work as a brand ambassador for a local startup or business. This position is great for those who want to gain experience in a number of roles.You will likely participate in cold calling, email marketing, social media, flyering, and attending events to represent your company. There can also be an opportunity to grow within the company.

Work-Study Jobs

24. Library Assistant

Library jobs are one of the most convenient jobs to have as a student because of their relatively high pay and on-campus location. This position will give you plenty of customer service practice and the chance to interact with college students for most of your shift. Best of all, there is usually plenty of time to do your homework.

25. Dorm Receptionist/Security Monitor

This job is perfect for students who love to study late at night. Most dorm receptionist jobs begin after sunset and can go as late as 3AM. One of the biggest perks is that you are usually allowed to do homework during your shift.  Make money and get ahead in your studies, while simultaneously welcoming students into their homes. It’s a win-win-win situation.

26. Campus Tour Guide

Are you undeniably passionate about your campus? Put it to good use as a paid campus tour guide. This will give you public speaking practice, exercise, and a chance to convince prospective students to attend your university.  This job is simple and fun as long as you are prepared to be moving for the entirety of the tour.

27. Research Assistant

Gain experience in your field of interest by working as a Research Assistant for one of your professors. Many paid positions will have a high wage. Another plus? Since the research is usually conducted on campus, these positions are very conveniently located.

28. Research Study Participant

Work on the other side of the research by participating in paid research studies. Although this is not an official position, these act as paid gigs that students can pick up based on their availability.  Check with your school’s Psych department to see what research studies are looking for participants. These are simple, non-committal, and flexible for your schedule.

29. Resident Advisor in the Dorms

This isn’t a paid position, but the chance to have free room & board during your college years will save you as much cash as you would make in a traditional part-time job. You will get the chance to closely interact, mentor, and bond with hundreds of college students a year and give back to your university in a highly influential way.

30. Cafeteria Worker

Working in your university’s dining areas will require little to no experience and have a higher pay than other restaurant jobs. It may not be the most glamorous work, but it will earn you money and free meals, saving you a significant amount of food-prep time and money.

Sharing Economy Jobs

31. Driver & Carshare

From ridesharing to carsharing to delivery drivers, there is no shortage of options in this category. Uber and Lyft are the modern day taxi services. Tripda is an app that allows you to offer rides to people on trips that you are already taking. Getaround lets you rent out your car any day of the week. 

You can also become a delivery driver for a local restaurant or find positions through Postmates, Doordash, Grubhub, Sprig…the list goes on.

32. Artisan

Have a special talent or craft that you want to share with the world? Make money off your handmade goods on websites like Etsy and Amazon’s Handmade. Prepare homemade meals for people using Feastly or Josephine. Don’t limit your customer base to the internet—you can also try selling your artisan foods and crafts at local boutiques, holiday markets and even in your college dorm

33. Homesharing

Got an extra room in your apartment? Websites like Homestay, Airbnb, and FlipKey allow you to rent out your homes to vacationers and travelers. Put your room on the market during Thanksgiving or Christmas break, when demand (and rates) are highest. This is a great way to earn cash without having to spend time at a job. Note: if you live in a frat house, this probably isn’t the right option for you.

34. Child & Senior Care

Websites like SitterCity and UrbanSitter make it easy to find nanny and babysitting opportunities near you. You can also try posting a message on NextDoor to offer your babysitting services to local families. is perfect if you want to work in adult and senior care. The ability to control your work hours and the relatively high pay make these jobs ideal for college students.

35. Pet Care

Animal lovers rejoice: now you can get paid to spend time with your furry friends. Dog-sitting websites like DogVacay and Rover offer boarding, cleaning, walking, daycare, and more for pups. If you’re interested in caring for cats, Holidog offers services for both dogs and cats. This is well suited for people with limited, inconsistent schedules who need to earn a small amount of extra cash.

36. Errands & Cleaning

These jobs won’t be a big asset on your resume, but they can be a great way to earn extra cash. Here are a few sites to choose from:

Bellhops offers stress-free, simple moving services 

JobRunners offers home cleaning, delivery, admin support, and handyman work to the public

Handy offers services focused on home cleaners and handymen TaskRabbit offers everything from moving to event and party planning.

37. Freelance

If you’re an aspiring creative professional, get a head start on your career and work as a freelancer during school. Fiverr and Upwork are massive marketplaces for all types of freelance work. BlogMutt helps bloggers gain gigs within the professional world. Freelancer is a space to advertise your skills and get hired from professionals.

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People & Jobs is a Career Consulting firm with professional recruiting in Cambodia. With long-term exploration and unremitting efforts in the field, we have known very well how to provide the strong support to our clients both multinational and local companies by recruiting the competent candidates in order to promote development of Cambodia Enterprises and Society. Moreover, we’re also trying to provide a wider professional platform for job seekers and employers in order to create a better development in Cambodia. Build good business; Gather good talents and make your dream job successfully.